Sunday, January 18, 2009

Turning a new leaf

A few thoughts for you tonight...

1) This blog was originally created and purposed to serve as an online, easy scrapbook for me and to keep my beloved friends and family up to date on my ever-changing daughter.

2) That being said... I apologize for my very one subject blogging. I don't think I would enjoy my own blog if it were not my own life. Did you catch my last blog? The better part of it was about napkin rings. Napkin rings. I think there might be some people out there that enjoy a good random anecdote, but I can do better.

3) I have been inspired by some of my dear friends on their blogs and have thus had my mind expanded and seen all the good that can come from blogs other than capturing cute videos of their kids.

4) There will still be cute videos of Annie. However, there is a lot about our lives that I leave out. I will aim to post about more subjects, give you excerpts of books I read, tell you some of our dreams that you might not know about, etc.

5) Don't expect too much. I didn't blog before I had Annie and would not be driven to update (even as little as I do) unless I felt the pressure to share her with those that miss her across the country. Be patient with me as I discover new blogging opportunities.


our family said...

umm... i loved the napkin rings, but i may be a little biased. ;)

Anonymous said...

whatever it takes to get more Lopez!

also...the napkin rings were great. Beth and I had a good laugh watching Annie get her body flop crawl on.

alyak23 said...

Don't sweat it Sal you're doing great! I love hearing/watching/reading about the adventures of Annie! And watching Justin do the cake dance LOL.